Merry Christmas 2005

To Our Far-Flung Family and Friends:
This has been an exciting year for us. Back on April 29—a mere nine and a half months after first meeting—we found ourselves in New Braunfels, Texas on the shore of the Comal River repeating marriage vows to one another. This, of course, after Christina's eyebrow-raising engagement announcement from the lectern at the Zeta Founders’ Day Observance but before Russell's understated comment via email to the Servicing Department accompanied by baked goods.

Having each tied the knot once previously, establishing our household was a feat of integration. “His” bed, “her” table, “his” chaise, “her” sofa, now simply ours (except for when something goes wrong; then those are definitely “her” cats). With help from Russell's family, we migrated our separate third-floor apartments into a single third-floor home in the treetops.

Home life has become routine but pleasant, providing Russell with an outlet for his culinary adventures on a nightly basis, while Christina fights the never-ending battle for truth, justice and tidiness. Regular diversions include various school and Zeta events as well as creative enterprises both artistic and technical.

In our professional lives, this autumn marked the start of Christina's second year of teaching English at Westwood High School while Russell completed his second year with First American Flood Data Services. This year Christina abandoned her foray into the sophomoric world of English II returning with fresh eyes to teaching English I exclusively. No longer must she contend with “preparing for the first standardized writing test the students have had since seventh grade." Instead, her focus has returned to the world of Homer, Fair Verona, and simply good teaching.

Additionally, Christina has added more to her group of charges! This year, in addition to being the secretary for the Austin chapter of Zeta, Christina is the advisor for the undergraduate chapters at both Huston-Tillotson University and The University of Texas at Austin. If idle minds are the Devil’s workshops, then we are pressing apotheosis.
The gentle pitter-patter of little keys is often heard in the evenings as we each refine our web projects. Christina has designed and authored the new site for her Zeta chapter, set to go live in the new year. Russell tinkers with and updates his own personal pages at, including areas for his various hobbies, photography, news and musings.

This Christmas we will be celebrating with Russell's family, then driving up to Plano for a relaxing week with Christina's parents. Wherever you are and whatever you have planned this holiday season, we wish you safety, health, and happiness.

And of course,
a Very Merry Christmas,

and a Happy New Year!

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